VATS Decortication

VATS Decortication

VATS Decortication is the surgical procedure that involves the use of Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery Device to be able to remove the abnormal part of the layer covering the lungs known asthe pleural membrane. VATS Decortication is indicated to be used in some of the most dangerous lung problems like pulmonary empyema or collection of pus in the pleural cavity, fibrothorax or formation of fibrous tissue over the lung membrane, different tumors and eveninfections. VATS Decortication can definitely be able to bring back your lung's normal functioning immediately. In VATS Decortication, a small video recording device is introduced to the chest primarily through a scope that is used to view all of the organs as well as all of the instruments that will be used for the said procedure. The camera together with the rest of the instruments to be used in the procedure is then inserted through the ports in the chest wall. These ports as separate small holes on the chest wall which can effectively lessen the occurrence of infection. Infection will be more present if a larger area of the body would be exposed but since small or areas or ports are only used in Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery, incidence of infection will definitely be lessened. Aside from infection, dehiscence of the wound can also be effectively prevented because it will be easier to close the said ports or small holes as compared to big incisions. The Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery can definitely promote faster healing and recovery for thepatient. This procedure can also make it easier for the physicians to properly visualize the areaof the chest cavity where decortication is necessary, promoting greater safety for the patient VATS Decortication proves to be a lesser invasive procedure for the patients.


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